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Master Instagram Reels: 100+ Trending Hooks to Go Viral in 2024

A mobile which showing the increase in likes and followers by reading our 100+ instagram  reel hooks.

Instagram Reels are one of the hottest ways to grab attention and grow your audience. But with so much content out there, how do you make your videos stand out? The secret is in your hooks—those first few seconds that either pull people in or let them scroll away. In this easy-to-read guide, we’ll show you the best Instagram hooks for Reels in 2024. Plus, we’ve added 100+ catchy hooks that will help your videos go viral and get more likes, comments, and shares!

Why Hooks Matter on Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are super short (up to 90 seconds), so if you don’t grab people’s attention fast, they’re gone. A hook is that first moment—whether it’s something you say or show—that makes people stop scrolling and start watching. Think of it like fishing. The hook is what catches the fish, and in this case, the fish is your audience. The stronger the hook, the more people will watch your video until the end.

What Makes a Good Hook?

A great hook does one or more of the following:

  • Grabs attention: Makes people curious or surprised.
  • Teases something: Hints that something cool is coming.
  • Asks a question: Gets people thinking or wanting to answer.
  • Solves a problem: Offers a quick tip or life hack.

To help you out, we’ve gathered 100+ hooks that will keep your audience hooked (pun intended) from the very start.

guie to how to make a good instagram reels hook, using information in a image

100+ Trending Hooks for Instagram Reels in 2024

Here’s a huge list of hooks you can use for your Reels. Whether you’re showing a tutorial, sharing a funny moment, or promoting a product, these hooks are perfect to start your video.

Curiosity and Surprise Hooks

  1. “Wait for it…”
  2. “Did you know…?”
  3. “I bet you’ve never seen this before!”
  4. “You won’t believe what happens next.”
  5. “I can’t believe I did this!”
  6. “This might be the craziest thing I’ve ever tried.”
  7. “Here’s a secret I’ve been keeping…”
  8. “What happens next will shock you.”
  9. “I had no idea this was possible.”
  10. “I wish I knew this sooner…”
  11. “This is so much easier than I thought.”
  12. “Bet you didn’t see that coming.”
  13. “Here’s something most people don’t know.”
  14. “This blew my mind!”
  15. “Watch this if you love surprises.”

Problem-Solving Hooks

  1. “Here’s how to fix [problem] in just 10 seconds.”
  2. “Struggling with [issue]? Try this.”
  3. “Here’s a quick hack to [solve common problem].”
  4. “You’re doing this wrong! Let me show you the right way.”
  5. “Stop doing this if you want to [achieve goal].”
  6. “Here’s how I went from [problem] to [solution].”
  7. “This tip will save you so much time.”
  8. “This simple trick will solve all your problems with [topic].”
  9. “Here’s the easiest way to [fix something].”
  10. “This is why your [effort] isn’t working.”
  11. “You’ve been doing this wrong, here’s how to do it right.”
  12. “The best hack for [problem-solving].”
  13. “Want to solve [problem]? Here’s the quickest way.”
  14. “This tiny change will make a huge difference.”
  15. “If you’ve been struggling with [issue], try this.”
  16. “This is the trick to doing [task] faster.”
  17. “This will make your life so much easier.”
  18. “Here’s why your [problem] is getting worse and how to fix it.”
  19. “Let me show you the shortcut to [desired outcome].”
  20. “This one trick can save you hours.”
  21. “If you’re stuck doing [task], watch this.”
  22. “Don’t make this common mistake when [doing activity].”
  23. “Here’s why your method isn’t working.”

Funny and Relatable Hooks

  1. “Ever have one of those days when nothing goes right?”
  2. “Raise your hand if you’ve ever done this…”
  3. “This is me trying to [do something] and failing miserably.”
  4. “Here’s what NOT to do when you [task].”
  5. “When you thought today would be easy but it’s not.”
  6. “Who else has tried this and failed? Just me?”
  7. “Things that should be easy but definitely aren’t.”
  8. “Why does this always happen to me?”
  9. “This is what I look like when I try to [do something].”
  10. “Me vs. the reality of trying to [goal].”
  11. “Every time I do this, I regret it.”
  12. “This is me pretending I have it all together.”
  13. “Tell me you’ve done this without telling me.”
  14. “Trying to adult is harder than it looks.”
  15. “Am I the only one who thinks this is impossible?”
  16. “When you thought you could handle it, but nope.”
  17. “This is me when everything goes wrong.”
  18. “Can we all agree this happens to everyone?”

Challenge Hooks

  1. “I challenge you to try this and not laugh.”
  2. “Let’s see if you can do this in under 30 seconds.”
  3. “Think you can beat this challenge?”
  4. “I tried the [popular challenge] and here’s what happened.”
  5. “Can you guess what happens next?”
  6. “I bet you can’t watch this without smiling.”
  7. “How fast can you do this?”
  8. “Let’s see if you can pass this test.”
  9. “Try this without using your hands.”
  10. “Can you do this better than me?”
  11. “I challenge you to try this without messing up.”
  12. “I tried this challenge and failed miserably.”
  13. “Try this and see how long you last.”
  14. “You won’t be able to resist this challenge.”
  15. “I challenge you to [task] in under 10 seconds.”

Questions to Spark Engagement

  1. “What would you do in this situation?”
  2. “Do you agree with this?”
  3. “Would you rather do [option 1] or [option 2]?”
  4. “What’s your go-to for [problem]?”
  5. “Which one would you pick?”
  6. “Have you ever tried this?”
  7. “How do you feel about this?”
  8. “What’s the best way to [achieve goal]?”
  9. “What would you do if this happened to you?”
  10. “Which one are you—team [option 1] or team [option 2]?”
  11. “Which is better: [option 1] or [option 2]?”
  12. “Have you ever thought about [issue] this way?”
  13. “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
  14. “If you had to choose, which would it be?”
  15. “What’s your opinion on [topic]?”
  16. “What’s your biggest challenge with [issue]?”

Teasing an Outcome

  1. “Here’s what happens when you try [task].”
  2. “This is what happened when I did [something unexpected].”
  3. “You won’t believe the results I got from this.”
  4. “Here’s what I learned from [experience].”
  5. “This is why [common myth] isn’t true.”
  6. “I tried [something weird], and here’s what happened.”
  7. “I thought this would go wrong, but…”
  8. “Here’s how I completely failed at [task].”
  9. “This is what happens when you [do something surprising].”
  10. “Let me show you what happens when you do this.”
  11. “I didn’t expect this to work, but it did.”
  12. “This small change made all the difference.”
  13. “Here’s what you should never do when [task].”
  14. “You won’t believe how easy this was.”

Why These Hooks Work

Using these hooks works because they do one simple thing: they make people curious. People want to know the answers to questions, see surprising results, and laugh at funny situations. These hooks don’t just grab attention—they make people want to stick around to see what happens next.

Bonus Tips for Instagram Reels in 2024

  • Keep it short and sweet: You only have a few seconds to hook people, so don’t waste time. Get to the point fast.
  • Use trending music: Instagram loves reels with popular sounds. Combine a good hook with a trending song for maximum engagement.
  • Add captions: Many people watch reels with the sound off. Add captions so your message gets across even if people can’t hear it.
  • Call-to-action (CTA): At the end of your reel, ask people to like, comment, or share. This boosts engagement and helps your reel reach more people.


With the right hook, your Instagram Reels can go from unnoticed to viral. Whether you’re offering a solution, telling a joke, or asking a question, hooks are the key to keeping people watching. Now that you have 100+ trending hooks, it’s time to get creative and start filming your next reel. Who knows, your next video might just go viral!

If you want us to manage your social media to increase engagement, please let us know! We would be happy to help you.

Happy reeling!

Stephanie Scrocco
Stephanie Scrocco

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